20 Jahre weiblich - Offener Biss
Skel. CLII(max. Prognathie and mand. Retrognathie)
•Skel. open bite (high angle CL II case!!)
•Dentoalv. ½ CL II/1
•Protrusion of upper front!!
•Dentoalv. open bite from first premolar to first premolaràchron. mouthbreathing!!
•Lyraform of upper ant. arch!!
•Cross-bite in regio of both second premolars
•Crowding in LA & UA
• post.discrepancy and no ant. guidance with post. interferencies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
•Poor mastication
•TMJ-clicking re. - note axio data!!
•Germectomy of all wisdoms!!!!!!!!!!!
•Enlargement of the narrow upper ant. arch
•Intrusion in regio of the first molars!!
•Closing fo the ant. open bite
•Correction of cross-bite re. & left
•Alignement of crowding
•CL I with nice ant. guidance and without post. interferencies!!!